Approximate materials required
This is the list of the approximate materials required to level Tailoring up to 450.
Classic (1-300)
- 204x
Linen Cloth
- 135x
Wool Cloth
- 804x
Silk Cloth
- 376x
Mageweave Cloth
- 752x
TBC (300-350)
- 740x
Netherweave Cloth
- 12x
Arcane Dust
- 20x
Knothide Leather
WotLK (350-450)
- 2975x
Frostweave Cloth
- 240x
Infinite Dust
- 440-450 part is not included here.
Tailoring trainers
Classic Trainers (1-300)
Horde trainers:
Magar in Orgrimmar.
Josef Gregorian in Undercity.
Tepa in Thunder Bluff
Kil’hala in The Barrens.
Bowen Brisboise in Tirisfal Glades.
Keelen Sheets in Silvermoon City.
Alliance trainers:
Jormund Stonebrow in Ironforge.
Grondal Moonbreeze in Darkshore.
Georgio Bolero in Stormwind City.
Me’lynn in Darnassus.
Eldrin in Elwynn Forest.
Refik in The Exodar.
WotLK Classic Trainers (300-450)
You can learn the new WotLK Classic Tailoring skill from these NPCS:
Alexandra McQueen in Howling Fjord
Raenah in Borean Tundra
Benjamin Clegg in Howling Fjord
Darin Goodstitch in Borean Tundra
Both factions can also learn it from Charles Worth at Dalaran.
Tailoring Leveling
1 – 75
For the 1-75 skill levels you will need a total of 59 Coarse Thread. Don’t buy them from the Auction House. You can buy them cheaply from the supply vendor for tailoring supplies near your tailoring trainer. You can buy a bulk amount by Shift-clicking the item you want to buy a bulk amount of, the most you can buy at a time, however, would be 20.
I don’t recommend buying all the dyes and thread at once because it will fill up your inventory and you won’t have that much bag space to craft items. I’ll list the needed Dyes and Thread for each part separately.
- 1 – 45
102xBolt of Linen Cloth – 204 Linen ClothStop making these if you reach 45 and only make more if you need them.
- 40 – 67
35xLinen Belt – 35 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 35 Coarse Thread
- 67 – 75
8xReinforced Linen Cape – 16 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 24 Coarse Thread
Journeyman Tailoring
Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman Tailoring. (Requires level 10)
You will need around 33x Fine Thread for the 75-125 part. You can vendor any remaining
Coarse Thread, you won’t need them.
75 – 125
- 75 – 100
45xBolt of Woolen Cloth – 135 Wool Cloth
- 100 – 110
13xSimple Kilt – 52 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 13 Fine ThreadYou might have to make a few more from this if you were really unlucky with the skill gains.
- 110 – 125
15xDouble-stitched Woolen Shoulders – 45 Bolt of Woolen Cloth, 30 Fine Thread
Expert Tailoring
Visit your trainer and learn Expert Tailoring. (Requires level 20)
You will need 36x Blue Dye, 83x
Fine Thread, 10x
Bleach, 40x
Red Dye for the 125-205 part.
125 – 205
- 125 – 145
201xBolt of Silk Cloth – 804 Silk Cloth
- 145 – 160
18xAzure Silk Hood – 36 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 36 Blue Dye, 18 Fine ThreadYou might have to make a few more if you didn’t reach 160.
- 160 – 170
10xSilk Headband – 30 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 20 Fine Thread
- 170 – 175
5xFormal White Shirt – 15 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 10 Bleach, 5 Fine Thread
- 175 – 185
94xBolt of Mageweave – 376 Mageweave Cloth
- 185 – 205
20xCrimson Silk Vest – 80 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 40 Fine Thread, 40 Red Dye
Artisan Tailoring
Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Tailoring. (Requires level 35)
You will need 20x Silken Thread, 71x
Heavy Silken Thread, 20x
Red Dye, 5x
Orange Dye and 50x
Rune Thread for the 205-300 part.
205 – 300
- 205 – 215
10xCrimson Silk Pantaloons – 40 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 20 Red Dye, 20 Silken Thread
- 215 – 220
5xOrange Mageweave Shirt – 5 Bolt of Mageweave, 5 Orange Dye, 5 Heavy Silken Thread
- 220 – 230
10xBlack Mageweave Gloves – 20 Bolt of Mageweave, 20 Heavy Silken Thread
- 230 – 250
23xBlack Mageweave Headband – 69 Bolt of Mageweave, 46 Heavy Silken Thread
- 250 – 260
188xBolt of Runecloth – 752 Runecloth
- 260 – 280
25xRunecloth Belt – 75 Bolt of Runecloth, 25 Rune ThreadThe recipe goes yellow at 270, you might have to make a few more.
- 280 – 300
25xRunecloth Gloves – 100 Bolt of Runecloth, 25 Rune ThreadThe recipe will be yellow at 290, so you might have to make a few more.
Master Tailoring
You can learn Master Tailoring from Dalinna at Thrallmar and
Hama at Honor Hold. (Requires level 50)
Rune Threads are sold by your trainer.
300 – 350
- 300 – 325
148xBolt of Netherweave – 740 Netherweave ClothYou will use all of these later, so it’s better to make all of them now for free skill points.
- 325 – 331
6xBolt of Imbued Netherweave – 18 Bolt of Netherweave, 12 Arcane DustThe
Pattern: Bolt of Imbued Netherweave is sold by Eiin in Shattrath City. You will need a Mana Loom to craft Bolt of Imbued Netherweave. It’s right next to the NPC who sells the recipe, so you don’t have to go anywhere.
- 331 – 336
5xNetherweave Pants – 30 Bolt of Netherweave, 5 Rune ThreadYour trainer teaches this recipe in Hellfire Peninsula, so you must return to the trainer.
- 336 – 346
10xNetherweave Boots – 60 Bolt of Netherweave, 20 Knothide Leather, 10 Rune Thread
- 345 – 350
5xNetherweave Tunic – 40 Bolt of Netherweave, 10 Rune ThreadThe recipe is sold by Eiin in Shattrath City.
WotLK Classic Tailoring (350-450)
You can learn the new WotLK Classic Tailoring skill from these trainers below. (Requires level 65)
Alexandra McQueen in Howling Fjord
Raenah in Borean Tundra
Benjamin Clegg in Howling Fjord
Darin Goodstitch in Borean Tundra
Both factions can also learn it from Charles Worth at Dalaran.
350 – 440
- 350 – 375
595xBolt of Frostweave – 2975 Frostweave Cloth
- 375 – 380
5xFrostwoven Belt – 15 Bolt of Frostweave
- 380 – 385
5xFrostwoven Boots – 20 Bolt of Frostweave
- 385 – 395
13xFrostwoven Cowl – 65 Bolt of Frostweave
- 395 – 400
5xDuskweave Belt – 35 Bolt of Frostweave
- 400 – 405
120xBolt of Imbued Frostweave – 240 Bolt of Frostweave, 240 Infinite DustAll if these will be used later, but you can stop making them when you reach 405. You can also start making
Duskweave Wristwraps if you don’t want to craft these right now. (you have to craft 5 more)
- 405 – 410
5xDuskweave Wristwraps – 40 Bolt of Frostweave
- 410 – 415
5xDuskweave Gloves – 45 Bolt of Frostweave
- 415 – 425
13xDuskweave Boots – 130 Bolt of Frostweave
- 425 – 440
20xFrostweave Bag – 120 Bolt of Imbued FrostweaveThe recipe will be yellow for the last 10 points. You usually have to make around 20-23 to reach 440.