Mageweave & Runecloth Cloth Shuffle In Cataclysm

Have you ever wondered if there were more ways to make gold with Mageweave Cloth? Often times it just sets on the Auction house and builds up quick. This is because a lot of transmog farms drop a decent amount of Mageweave Cloth. If you are looking to make a a bigger buck from a farming location that yields Mageweave Cloth, then you have come to the right place! First thing is first, you will need tailoring level 215 so you can learn the Pattern: White Bandit Mask and enchanting level 125 so you can disenchant the White Bandit Mask. This recipe often sells for a lot on the auction house so if you can’t afford one or don’t see any on your auction house. Here is where to farm it.

White Bandit’s Mask Recipe Farm Location

Zul’Farrak Mobs that drop the white bandit’s mask recipe
There are also other locations that drop the White Bandit Mask however. Zul’Farrak is going to be your best best. Mainly because it is good for Mageweave Cloth to begin with. Other than Mageweave Clothe this is also one of the better locations to farm transmog pieces of BoEs. I would really recommend checking the auction house every so often if you have the gold. This is because you will make your gold back fast enough it will be like you never bought it. I cannot guarantee anything either this shuffle could take a bit for you to get gold. It just depends on your server. However, I play on a dead horde server as a horde. I haven’t had many problems trying to sell the dusts you will be getting from this shuffle. So what next?

What To Do Now

After you obtain and learn White Bandit Mask. There are a few ways you can go about getting the materials you need to sustain a consistent work flow (If that is something you are wanting to do.) This type of shuffle is one you can camp the auction house for the most part. You will need materials from the tailoring vendor as well. However, you can stock up on those. If you choose the auction house route for your supply of Mageweave Cloth. Then it can be a little tricky knowing when to buy. First you must understand how the market works when it comes to a shuffle. Basically you need to spend as little as possible which will grant you a larger profit at the end. First we need to know the current prices of the materials you get for disenchanting the White Bandit Mask.

Materials you get from disenchanting the White bandit’s mask

  • Vision Dust 1.50 gold/unit or 30 gold/stack
  • Lesser Nether Essence turn 3 of these into greater nether essence 13 gold/unit or 130 gold/stack
  • Small Radiant Shard .50 gold/per unit or 10 gold/stack
As stated on the Lesser Nether Essence line. You will want to the Lesser Nether Essence into Greater Nether Essence. You don’t have to but they sell quicker. Even if they sell less than the Lesser Nether Essence . The Greater Nether Essence has a much better turnover rate. Also please keep in mind everything is server dependent. That is why we are going over how to make sure it is worth it to do on your server or not. Meaning Vision Dust could be 5-10 gold per stack. which is much less than you should expect to sell at. This means the shuffle wouldn’t be worth it for you. Also keep in mind that even if this method doesn’t work for you right now. It may later on. It may not work for you due to reasons like materials not selling for enough. It could also be over saturated with other people doing it as well. Who knows, but if you think about this method some time after it not working for you then check again just to see if it is possible to shuffle away.

What the Price of Mageweave cloth should be on the AH

So when looking into buying Mageweave Cloth to do this shuffle there isn’t much that you need to know other than it should be lower than the cost of dusts you get out of it. You average about 3-4 Vision Dust per disenchant. If we take the prices from above as an example, 3-4 Vision Dust is the equivalent of 4.50-6 gold per disenchant. Keep in mind you can end up disenchanting up to I believe the highest I’ve seen was 8 or 9 Vision Dust on a disenchant. It’s just hard to say for sure how much dust and what dust you will get out of it. This is why if you plan to buy your materials then you really want to do the math on rather or not it is worth it. Anyways, so if the White Bandit Mask only takes one bolt of Mageweave Cloth. It only takes 4 Mageweave Cloth to make one bolt. That being said, the price per unit on Mageweave Cloth should be the same amount you want to spend on a bolt of Mageweave Cloth which should be right around 2-2.50 gold per unit. That I would say is the absolute max on how much you should spend on bolts. Mageweave Cloth price per unit should be right around 50 silver per unit. That would make the price of one bolt 2 gold. For a full stack of Mageweave Cloth I wouldn’t be spending anymore then 10 gold per stack. It costs a total of roughly 2 gold and 20 silver to craft one White Bandit Mask and you can get an average of 3 gold out of one disenchant. You can make more and I mean much more than that if you find the right prices and everything.

Where to Farm Mageweave

Zul’Farrak is one of the more well known farming locations that drops Mageweave Cloth. However my favorite location to farm Mageweave Cloth also drops a good amount of runecloth as well. Which I also have a shuffle for that too. You will want to find yourself in the Burning Steppes if you want to head to my farming location. This location alone drops close to 20 stacks of Mageweave Cloth/hour, and roughly 10 stacks of rune cloth per hour.

Intro and what is needed For The RUnecloth Shuffle

The runecloth shuffle is one of those ones you have to be patient with. Not only does it take a hot minute to craft all the bolts of runecloth and all the runecloth headbands. It can also be a challenge to find runecloth at a cheap enough price. That is okay though if you can’t find a good price on runecloth because later in this guide will be a location to farm runecloth! Before then you must know that you will need to be tailoring level 295 which does take a little while to get there. You will also need enchanting at level 225 in order for this shuffle to work. To learn a little more about this shuffle. It works really well because you will be getting Illusion Dust from disenchanting these greens. Anything over required level 54 I believe it was, will disenchant into Illusion Dust. This means you need a high level requirement on the item you craft to disenchant. However, you also want it to take as little as possible to make as well.

Recipe used

That being said, the runecloth headband fits just that description! It takes as few as 6 bolts of runecloth and 2 of the rune thread. The runecloth headband also requires a level 54 or higher player to equip it. It requires you to have tailoring level 295, though. Which can take a bit of time to level it up if you have to level tailoring.

What To Do Now

Now you have to decide how you want to get the runecloth. You can either go out and farm it. Would highly recommend doing that only if you are planning to sell transmog too. This shuffle is more so how to make extra gold from something rather than it’s raw self. There are a few locations you can farm for cloth strictly however, if you are wanting just runecloth then you might want to plan on transmog farming as well.

Materials you get from disenchanting the Runecloth Headband

Yes that is right you not only get the Greater Eternal Essence which is very pricy, but you also get the Large Brilliant Shard as well! If you are leveling up enchanting you will notice that you have to pay a lot of gold to get it up past 300. These 3 enchanting materials play a big part in why.

What the Price of Runecloth should be on the AH

Much like my mageweave shuffle guide, if you plan to buy the materials off the auction house. Please, make sure you are buying at the right price. If you spend to much gold on this you will be wasting a lot of time over little return. However, if you buy at the right price you should almost always come out ahead. Also one more thing to keep in mind is this is all server dependent. Meaning I can’t guarantee any these prices. You will have to use your own judgement on rather or not it is worth purchasing the cloth or not. I will try my best to explain the process if determining this outcome. You will want the price of 5 runecloth to be the same price as 1 bolt of runecloth. If it takes 6 bolt of runecloth to make one runecloth headband that means the cost of the cloth should be less then the cost of the disenchanting materials. If Illusion Dust is going for 16 gold/unit and you get an average of 1.5 Illusion Dust per disenchant, that means the 6 bolts should cost less than 24 gold to get.

Don’t Forget Other Dusts

Don’t forget about the chance of getting the Greater Eternal Essence as well as that is a huge boost in making gold from this method. Anyways, it takes 4 runecloth to make one bolt of runecloth. This means it will take a total of 24 runecloth to make one runecloth headband. So now that we have over a stack we need to figure out the price per unit. If one disenchant gives at least 24 gold, then the price per unit should be less than one gold as it also takes 24 pieces of cloth to make one headband. If you where to buy runecloth for around .75 silver per unit. You could be making a decent amount of gold from this shuffle. Thankfully, that is the average amount of gold runecloth sells for on the auction house. Making the cloth pretty decent to buy.

Where to Farm Runecloth

Silithus isn’t only a good place to farm transmog. It is also a great place to get runecloth! While silithus isn’t a bad location for transmog too there is a better area I would highly recommend checking out first. It is located over in Burning Steppes. It yields around 10 stacks of runecloth per hour and around 20 stacks of mageweave cloth per hour. On top of that, it also isn’t bad for transmog for you transmog farmers. The reason I recommend this location is because the fact it gives a lot of mageweave cloth too. If you haven’t checked out my mageweave cloth shuffle yet. Please check it out here. [waiting for approval] If you combine these two cloth shuffles together you can make some pretty easy gold along with some tranmog to sell on the side.
Author: GoldenRoutes