Purchase the Swift Shorestrider Mount from Overgear to gain one of the most distinctive riding birds.
Do you believe that Kalimdor’s tall strider breeds are unimpressive to anyone? You must thus pay closer attention to this bird’s unusual coloring, which is only accessible through the fast-running-out restricted treasure codes of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. With our Swift Shorestrider enhancement, you can order this mount and deliver it straight to your bag—you don’t need to go hunting for it’s rare on your own. We can surprise you with more than Swift Shorestrider service.
How can you obtain the Swift Strider mount?
Swift Shorstrider is one of the most uncommon WoW mounts since it can be obtained with WoW Trading Game loot codes. These sought-after cards are now scarce and getting harder to come by each year.
It is still possible, of course, to find booster packs on several marketplaces these days. However, purchasing the necessary loot code on Overgear and adding the Swift Shorstrider mount directly to your collection is simpler.
How to get free access to the rare World of Warcraft Swift Shorestrider in Prime Gaming
The sole source of the Swift Shorestrider aside from chance was the WoW TCG expansion booster pack Throne of the Tides. If it wasn’t your lucky day, you can grab one on eBay for a whopping money. Although it typically costs $500 to $600, the lowest price we discovered for this mount was about $300.
In-Game Prestige:
Owning the Swift Shorestrider brings a group of prestige and distinction due to its rarity and unique acquisition method. It’s a conversation piece and often a sign of a dedicated or long-term player who has gone the extra mile to acquire this rare mount.
Alternative Methods of Acquisition:
Considering the scarcity and discontinuation of the WoW TCG, other options include acquiring the card through internet auction sites or trading networks. Players often turn to websites like eBay or specialized gaming forums where collectors and sellers trade TCG cards. Prices can vary based on the card’s rarity and demand.
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